RE teaching at West Ashton

Religious Education Curriculum


RE is central to the purpose of West Ashton CE Primary school because, as a church school, we see that the Christian faith informs all aspects of our life together and commits us to a search for truth.

RE explores how individuals and communities make meaning and sense of their lives through the major religions of the world. It enables pupils to know about, understand and respond to the important and ultimate questions of life. RE is taught in such a way that it inspires pupils to explore, consider their own faith and values and have respect for the faith, beliefs and values of others.  Following the Wiltshire Agreed Syllabus and through our scheme of work, children are able to develop their enquiring minds to consider these key areas.


RE supports and strengthens our vision, ethos and values, which are at the heart of what we aim to do in every aspect of school life. The importance placed on the development of the whole child spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually is reflected in the RE curriculum as well as the broader school curriculum.

RE aims to enable pupils of all abilities and stages of development to:

•   develop knowledge and understanding of Christian beliefs and practices so that they understand the importance of the Bible, the role of the church and recognise that for Christians their faith provides a way of interpreting life and its meaning

•   develop knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of the other major religions in Britain

•   understand how belief may impact on culture, relationships, values and lifestyle

•   understand how belief can be expressed in a variety of ways including art, dance, music, ritual celebration and in different cultural settings

•   develop spiritually, morally, culturally and socially by helping them to reflect upon personal feelings, responses and relationships

•   explore ways in which religious values and teaching have an impact on actions and decisions for people of faith

•   be supported in their own search for meaning and purpose in life

•   develop a sense of awe, wonder and mystery

•   explore concepts of love, forgiveness and sacrifice

•   develop skills of reflection, empathy, communication, analysis, investigation, interpretation, evaluation and synthesis

•   develop attitudes of respect, sensitivity, open-mindedness and self-esteem


RE has an important part to play as part of the broad, balanced and coherent curriculum we provide for all pupils. High quality learning experiences in RE are designed and provided by careful planning through the agreed syllabi and with visitors or visits to offer first-hand learning experiences, taking into account the need to offer breadth of content

In order to make religious education a lively, active subject, we employ a variety of teaching methods including art, music, discussion, the development of thinking skills, drama, the use of artefacts, pictures, and stories, as well as periods of stillness and reflection

All pupils at West Ashton are taught RE as a discrete subject each week.


The school’s Christian values

RE contributes to the promotion of the school’s distinctively Christian values. Making connections between the values and learning in RE will bring about greater understanding of the values and how they can be put into practice across a range of experiences.

The school community

RE provides a positive context within which the diversity of cultures, beliefs and values can be celebrated and explored.

The community within which the school is located

RE provides opportunities to investigate patterns of diversity of religion and belief and forge links with different groups in the local area in particular local churches

Respect for all

RE makes an important contribution to a school’s responsibility to promote respect for all. It provides a key context to develop young people’s understanding and appreciation of diversity, to promote shared values and to challenge racism, discrimination & extremism. A major focus of RE is the study of diversity of religion and belief in the UK and how this influences national life. It also involves the study of matters of global significance recognising the diversity of religion and belief and its impact on world issues.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

SMSC prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Learning about and from religions and beliefs, through the distinct knowledge, understanding and skills contained in RE within a broad-based curriculum, is essential to achieving these aims. Exploring the concepts of religion and belief and their roles in the spiritual, moral and cultural lives of people in a diverse society helps individuals develop moral awareness and social understanding. Also refer to the Spirituality Policy.

The promotion of British Values

RE provides opportunities to promote the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. 

The RE Curriculum Lead can be contacted via

Further details can be found in the documents contained on the RE page under the Curriculum tab.