Vision and Values

 ‘You will shine among them like stars in the sky’

Philippians 2:15 

At West Ashton School, we believe that:

  • every child is special
  • each child is unique
  • each child brings their own gifts, thoughts, interests, experiences and skills to the school

A child with high self-esteem will have the confidence to take chances and try new things. Confidence will grow in an environment where each individual is valued for who they are. We aim to provide a warm, caring and safe environment, where all children and staff are equally valued and happy.

At West Ashton School, we aim to create a climate which actively encourages children to develop social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness and thus grow into responsible, young global citizens.

We encourage high quality work by having high expectations and instilling a positive work ethic.  We aim to develop the whole child so they are confident, independent learners, emotionally intelligent and creative, critical thinkers.

We aspire, believe and celebrate our entire school community.

Our Values

Our values form the bedrock of who we are and how we act both towards ourselves and others.   Our values are:





