About our curriculum

At West Ashton our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and tomorrow. Our focus on curriculum development is always carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression. It provides pupils with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills.
In line with our school ethos, there is a strong focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding.
The ability to learn is underpinned by the development of a growth mindset and the teaching of basic skills , knowledge, concepts and values with a vision to prepare them for life beyond primary school. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in their lives, where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.
Our mixed-aged class curriculum design rolls over a two year period, building upon skills and knowledge taught and revisiting concepts frequently. Subjects are taught in discreet blocks of learning or are woven into cross-curricular topics. Within this we aim to provide our children with a rich bank of curricular and non-curricular experiences.

If you would like more information about the curriculum please contact admin@westashton.wilts.sch.uk

2023-24 Cycle B
2024-25 Cycle A