Welcome to Voyagers Class

Class Teacher: Mr Gilbertson
Welcome to Voyagers class. Our daily learning includes English, SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar), reading and mathematics.  Throughout the year we also study history, geography, RE, science, PSHE, French, music, PE, art and design, design and technology and computing.  
We have a wide range of books in the classroom for children to choose from and dedicate time to independent reading as well as enjoying our class read regularly throughout the week. We encourage a passion for reading and this can be supported at home by listening to your child read as well as discussing books that interest them. 
Cursive writing is expected and we have high expectations of presentation across all subjects. Everything that your child will need for their work is provided by us.
Spellings will be set as part of your child's homework so that they can prepare for their weekly spelling test. It is really important that children also take the time to check the meanings of any unknown words as well as how to spell them.
Please encourage and support your child to practice and recall their times tables up to 12x12. They can practice these on Times Tables Rockstars so that they are as ready as possible for our weekly test.
Home Learning
Homework is set every Friday and will typically include spellings alongside a maths and grammar activity. 
Our topic web can be found below with details of all our learning areas. This will be updated each term.
Below you will find information relevant to Y5/6, including all the objectives we teach in English and maths in line with the National Curriculum.